Band History

In 2011 Martin Schulz (git) and Arne Horstmann (b) got together and founded the band 'Flying Carpet' alongside Jonas vom Orde (dr) and Sheyda Toufan (key/vox). When singer Mark LeBosch (vox) joined them in 2012 he proposed the name 'Civic Soma', drawing inspiration from the infamous drug in Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' and Karl Marx' famous "Opiate of the Masses" quote. Civic Soma then made it their Civic duty to supply Soma to the Masses and help them escape reality at their concerts. In 2013 they released their first EP 'Cosmic Office of Coincidence'. 

Its title track is still played at every Civic Soma show.

In 2018, following a few lineup-changes, they were joined by drummer Marc Rinderspacher (d) and released their first album 'Hybris'; a concept-album that tells the story of two soldiers facing each other in a religiously indoctrinated war, only to (spoiler alert!) merge into one all-powerful God at the end.

In 2023 Horstmann left the band. But as coincidence would have it in faraway Charkiv (Ukraine), Dimas Uku Bass found himself confronted with war and destruction. So, he grabbed his bass and hitched a ride to Hamburg, where he joined Civic Soma.

In 2024 the band released their second album 'Koloss'. This concept album deals with the state, from its inception to its destruction - and backwards. Beneath the energetic music of 'Koloss' looms a powerful deconstruction of nationalism, capitalism, fascism, tyrannicide and revolution that (hopefully) serves as an escape from reality - or a warning...

Civic Soma are currently working on escaping (to) the apocalypse...